Your Career and You: “You’re Smarter Than You Think”

This is valuable wisdom to reflect upon no matter your age or career status. This resonated with me as a mid-level professional. I often find myself in rooms with seasoned professionals and think that I can’t possibly impress them with any of my knowledge or with newer professionals whose eyes light up when they learn something new. There is always value that we can add to any room by being our true, honest, hardworking self.

A Professor's Thoughts

Publication1The past few weeks have been, to put it as kindly as I can, freaking insane.

I spent a mind-blowing four days in Washington, DC, at the Public Relations Society of America’s International Conference (Note: This is the link to the 2015 Conference page) where I was surrounded by thousands of fellow PR professionals and students.

I also attended a half-dozen educational sessions where I got a TON of information and new ideas that I can bring back into the classroom.

Then I came back to Boston and immediately began prepping for my own presentation at the annual conference of the National Coalition of State Housing Agencies. I talked to a roomful of communication professionals from around the country about one of my favorite topics…social media and customer service.

Now the dust is settling, and I’m looking forward to the next great adventure…whatever that might be.


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